An angry archer’s blog

Daily draws and various other failures


Sorry if this comes up on the sudomemo discord; I have no idea how hatena blog works

So, I’ve started a Q&A page where people can ask about Britain (please note that my knowledge of Scotland and Ireland is limited, I know a bit about Wales). If anyone has any questions, comment them on this page and I’ll answer them in the next one. You can choose wether to be anonymous or named

Q1: Are you cold over there? It’s freezing here in ___

It’s colder than usual but to me, it isn’t that bad, especially compared to the Arctic Vortex some of you in America are going through. I hope you’re all ok, stay safe


Q2: ‘Is it considered rude to beep your car horn at someone?’

Now this greatly varies across the Isles. Here in South East England, beeping is almost like a terrible offence and no-one really knows who it’s aimed at. Unless, of course, it’s obvious and everyone has a massive go at them. The South West is far more relaxed and generally friendly on the roads, a light beep is commonly used for greeting or letting other people know you’re there while going down the various narrow lanes. Wales is also varied though it depends on individual people more than area, they seem a little friendlier though. You will be faced with a fine if you sound a horn between 11:30pm and 7am but that’s quite late so it comes as no surprise. I have no idea about Scotland, sorry.


Q3: ‘Why are you all so posh’ ‘Why do English people sound so strange?’

NO. Just, no. This is a terrible assumption though it does make me question how weird our voices sound to other people. This is another thing that does vary. Sure, there are people out there who still talk like 70s sports commentators but everyone sounds different depending on their county (like states, just smaller). Being in close proximity to London means I’ve naturally adopted a cockney accent: I’m likely to drop hs and ts. There are loads of different accents, so please, don’t assume we all sound the same


I haven’t had many questions yet so if you’re curious about something, do let me know on here or discord and I’ll try to answer it!